Jennifer Elliott Clark
2 min readApr 29, 2020

A Global Reset-

Dear Covid-19. Where have you been?

Dear China, Did you know this was coming- and when?

South Korea, France and Italy too, stop the travel right now! What else can we do?

Cancel school, cancel church, people work from your home. No more restaurants or nightclubs, and please sanitize your phone! Stay far far away, “social distancing” please.

Stranded airplanes and cruise ships once carried this disease.

The natives are restless, and losing their minds. Hoarding toilet paper, Lysol and foods of all kinds! Businesses closing, they cannot survive, this came on so quickly, can they ever be revived?

The stock market plummets, out of fear- the unknown, Gas prices slashed, everyone’s staying home. Our elders are dieing, some younger folks too, It doesn’t discriminate between me and you. New York, California, so far, hardest hit- hospitals out of beds till no more can they fit.

Oxygen machines, respirators and masks, Manufacturers trying to make more- and fast!

We stare at our TV’s, Ipads and such, for each daily briefing, It’s becoming too much!

“The Pandemic is spreading, we’re doing our best-We’ve got people on it, till then, we won’t rest!” Social Media companies are doing quite well, as we use all our data, till they turn off our cell.

What I see is quite different though, than what you might think, communities pulling others away from the brink. Online schooling for children, neighbors checking in on the sick, people banding together, things are changing and-quick. Sharing compassion for each other, going out of their way to ensure that these strangers will all be ok. No more talk of politics, candidates or elections- WE ARE A GREAT PEOPLE- LIVING IN A GREAT NATION. Unified in a way, like never before, Dear Covid-19, go away, but thanks for knocking on our door.

RIP to those we have lost and have yet to lose. Jennifer Elliott-Clark

Jennifer Elliott Clark

WORDSMITH! Freelance writer, Advertising & Mkt industry background. Internationally published & award winning poet. I'm currently working on my first novel.